Faculty of Public Health
The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) is a faculty within Hasanuddin University Ujung Pandang which develops the task of implementing educational development in the field of public health by holding public health education programs.
Since its founding on November 6 1982 until December 1999, FKM has graduated 1002 alumni spread throughout Indonesia, especially in Eastern Indonesia. The chronology of the history of the founding of FKM is as follows:
In 1973, several health practitioners began to feel that there was an increasing need for public health workers, which was then responded to by the leadership of the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University by exploring the possibility of developing a Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (IKM-IKP) to be able to manage and educate personnel in the field of public health.
Eight years later, namely on January 16 1981, Hasnuddin University Chancellor's Decree No.19/D.09.01/81 was issued regarding the formation of the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of FKM Unhas (P3FKM). The members of this committee consist of elements from the Faculty of Medicine, Unhas and the Regional Office of the Department of Health, South Sulawesi Province. The task of this committee is to prepare the establishment of FKM Unhas for the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program which prioritizes Bachelor of Health in the Eastern Indonesia region. The FKM that will be formed will consist of 3 departments, namely the Department of Public Health Administration/Population, Statistics/Epidemiology, Environmental Health/Health Education.
On March 8 1982, a meeting was held between P3FK and a team from the University of Indonesia, CMS, and FKM Airlangga University. The result of the meeting was that FKM Unhas would be opened in the 1982/1983 academic year. On August 18 1982, the first class of FKM Unhas class I students was 21 people. On November 6 1982, FKM Unhas was inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture represented by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Prof. Dr. Dodi Tisna Amidjaja), and was also attended by the Minister of Health. Establishment Decree Number 0154/0/1982. One year later (1983) Ministerial Decree No.0568/1983 was issued regarding the types and number of departments at FKM Unhas, namely consisting of 5 departments; AKK/Nutrition, Biostatistics/KKB, Epidemiology, KL/KK and PKIP. In 1999, FKM Unhas developed 7 departments, namely AKK, Biostatistics/KKB, Epidemiology, Public Health Nutrition, Occupational Health (KK), Environmental Health (KL), and Health Education and Behavioral Sciences (PKIP). In implementing the Public Health Education Program, FKM has accepted various students from high school, academy graduates (Diploma 3), and opened an Extension Program with afternoon classes for those who want to study but still work. At the age of 26 years.
FKM has changed several leadership, namely:
- Prof. dr. H. Siradjuddin BM, SKM (1982 – 1989)
- Prof. Dr. H. Nur Nasry Noor, MPH (1989 – 1996)
- Prof. Dr. dr. H. M. Rusli Ngatimin, MPH (1996 – 1999)
- Dr. dr. H. M. Tahir Abdullah, M.Sc., MSPH (1999 – 2002)
- Prof. Dr. dr. H. Nadjib Bustan, MPH (2002 – 2004)
- Prof. Dr. dr. H. A. Razak Thaha, M.Sc. (2004 – 2006)
- Prof. dr. H. Veni Hadju, M.Sc. Ph.D (2006 – 2010)
- Prof. Dr. dr. H. M. Alimin Maidin, MPH (2010 – 2014)
- Prof. Dr. drg. Andi Zulkifli, M.Kes (2014-2018)
- Prof. Dr. Aminuddin Syam, SKM., M.Kes., M.Med.Ed (2018-2022)